


250,000+ decided to sign up for the pre-mint raffle so the odds are less than 0.5%. However, Priceless Auction Boosters to buy & sell your land are out there, in the Swamp.

Well now, listen up, folks! 📣 I heard a rumor 'bout the swamps of the bayou that'll make a squirrel sing. Y'see, there's this thing called Boosters that them oLanders are mighty keen on tradin'. 💼 And boy, let me tell you, demand for 'em is skyrocketin' 🚀 'cause folks are sellin' land and anticipatin' the big ol' mainnet ōCash launch. 💰

“…anticipatin' the big ol' mainnet ōCash launch”

Now, down in the Sludge market (that's ELEMENT3007, for the curious), all sorts of items are bein' traded. Them Boosters are bought with a thing called Sludge, and that's what everybody wants. 😍 You can get yer hands on Sludge from liquidity pools, those mysterious UFO owners 👽, or even by findin' a UFO yerself!

Speakin' of UFOs, they're a mighty peculiar thing. They can earn ya unlimited Sludge, up until half the auction booster supply's burned up 🔥, and they're also tied to a maximum amount of somethin' called GEN5 land. 🏞️

“…lucky enough to find a UFO…”

Now, if you're lucky enough to find a UFO, you can claim it for a sweet 5% of the recovery cost. 💸 But beware, 20% of that cost goes straight to the Sludge Liquidity pool. 🌊 And don't forget, them UFOs come with their own repair and launch costs, which can vary quite a bit. 🛠️

As for them Swamp Boats, the ones with higher power scores perform differently out in the murky waters. 🚤🐊 So be cautious, and keep your eyes peeled for all the opportunities hidin' in the bayou's depths! But here's a fair warnin' for y'all: Swamp Boats are free, but you gotta steal 'em when Crazy Dave ain't around! 🤫😉’

“Swamp Boats are free, but you gotta steal 'em when Crazy Dave ain't around!”

Welcome to the Swamp.